Front Row or Third Row??
Front row or Third Row??
When I look at this picture, far too many times I have lived in the third row, especially on a roller coaster!!! Life can seem to be full of ups and downs that just upset me, worry me, make me scared, and, quite honestly, unenjoyable. I just hate the long drop off! My mind fills with fear and my body fills with tension. Life can be a “white knuckle” kind of experience, especially when experiencing something that is a change or transition.
We can get consumed with worry and doubt, fear and trepidation, create all kinds of scenarios that have dire outcomes, and live, well, like the third row. We look glum, unhappy, worried, not even noticing the life around us. Third row living rods us of so many things.
What would it be like for you and me to live in the first row, especially when we are faced with some kind of challenge, change or transition?? Instead of seeking out the third row, why not try the energy and life of the first row??!! It really is our choice. We choose to create the scenarios that makes us third row people. If we can do that, then why can’t we create scenarios that make us first row, let the wind blow up our skirt, laugh till our belly hurts, and seek out the excitement people??!!! I can tell you that the journey through that challenge, that change or transition will be much better than the third row! Giving ourselves over to much more energizing thoughts and choices will lead us to the first row experience! Life will still be a roller coaster, but it will be filled with laughter, joy, and a much better view! I am sure of that!
Life Coaching for me is about helping people see and make choices for movement from the third row to the first row of their journey. Helping people see a different perspective to their life experience is mind blowing and life changing! I love seeing faces, hearts and spirits move from fear and imprisonment (third row) to greater engagement, risk, purposefulness, and freedom (first row)! Instead of being strapped into the third row seat and looking down, they are holding their heads high, taking a look at the horizon and seeing a much better landscape, a much lighter and more enjoyable place. Are you feeling stuck in fear and limitations as you try to move through a very challenging life transition, and desire to be free to think more broadly, positively and joyfully? Then let’s chat, and get you started moving towards that front row experience.